Bat audio

I’ve started a job as Bat Inspector this year.
The sounds bats make are very interesting, both for biologists and musicians.

This is a link to all my recorded bat sounds from this year, sorted by month:

Recorded Bat sounds

Use Anabat Insight to process the audio and externally record the results.
If you use the Hetrodyne option, match the frequency to the most active band for the best results.
(you can use the Power Graph to check this (in View, select Power Graph)
See below image for settings

You can do experiments with other software such as Audacity to change the pitch or slow down time with Paulstretch.

Example file:
This is a recording of an Eptesicus Serotinus (Eps) bat. This file comes directly from the Anabat Walkabout. It is very high in frequency, low in gain and should be processed to isolate the bat frequencies.

When using Anabat Insight, set the Heterodyne Frequency to something around 30 KHz .

This is the processed file, played from Anabat Insight and recorded with Audacity
internal recording tutorial
I’ve normalized the audio to -0.1dB.

Here is another processed file, a Pipistrellus Pipistrellus (Ppip) feeding buzz.
The Heterodyne frequency is set to 49 KHz.

Interesting results can be had from other recording settings on the Anabat Walkabout.
(Comb filter, Pitch Shifting, manual Heterodyne, Frequency Division, Time Expansion)
Some of these techniques add more noise which sounds very unique.
I’ll post these later.