Creep Cluster Workshop – DenHaag 27-05-2017

at Villa K


We are very happy to host Martijn Verhallen // Reverse Landfill to give a workshop in Villa K on his newest synth-project ‘Creep Cluster. Everyone who is interested in building his/her own synthesizer, please join!

The Creep Cluster is a drone synthesizer.

Two triangle oscillators make phasing drone sounds. They are then hard-switched by a fast squarewave clock. This third oscillator can also be set in the same phase as the other two oscillators, which will make the sound much fatter. When set to higher frequencies, the analog switch adds metalic and screaming harmonics to the sound. The signal is then routed into a lowpass filter, to tame the sound and make sweeps.

You have control over the two pitches of the main oscillators, the clock frequency and the filter cutoff.

Sounds vary from deep rumbling drones to phasing screaming lead sounds.

Date: May 27
Time: 14:00
Duration: 2 to 3,5 hours (depending on experience of participants)
Place: Villa K, Violenweg 2, 2597KL Den Haag
Cost: 50EUR per kit (incl. all materials)
>>>Please make your reservation by sending an email to

This workshop requires no experience with electronics.
Beginners learn how to solder and the advanced participants can build the synthesizer, guided by the designer. The kit contains all materials to build the synthesizer, including the wooden frame.

After all synths are built and working, we will do a live improvisation jam-session with all participants!



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